Diocese of
"The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being"
Pope St. John Paul II

Innovative Outreach at Planned Parenthood
A unique approach in helping moms and others in need
You are invited to join our team as we gently, yet effectively reach out with help and information.
Respect LifeMinistry <rspctlf.ministry@gmail.com>
Respect LifeMinistry
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I am very Thankful to everyone that actually reads my weekly newsletter, and especially those of you that come out and brave the weather to help us every week. If you can't come out please pray for our efforts. We are back to work this week. Please join us, as we hand out resources and direct pregnant women to a life affirming pregnancy resource center. God bless you, Pat Tuttle
Reminder: We will be out on the hill in Merrillville at the Planned Parenthood on Wednesday, November 29th, from 10-12 pm. and Thursday, November 30th from 11-3 pm. Please join us and notice the dates! I had them wrong in the last email. The crew is back on Sunday at CVS in Valpo. They could use sign holders there and downtown on Tuesdays. See below.
Weekly Ongoing Events: Protest every Tuesday, from 12-1 Pm. at the Valparaiso Courthouse. The Sunday group meets at CVS in Valparaiso at 1805 Calumet ave. from 1-2pm every Sunday. They could use your help. Come hold a sign, it's so easy.
See our blog for reports on the good news happening at "the hill" outside of Planned Parenthood.